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Le 18/01/2025 18:57, DanielMat, de Aarschot, a crit:

Wow news for all us

Le 14/01/2025 18:09, Scefewact, de Istanbul, a crit:

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Le 25/06/2022 16:26, Maria Boni, de Napoli, a crit:

My father Pietro Boni was born in Picinisco in 1917, son of Terenzio Boni and nephew of Francesco, Angela, Arcangela, Raffaele and "Bi". The family has dispersed, but we are still getting buried there, in the Santa Maria site.

Le 3/11/2020 3:23, Philip Bimpson, de Liverpool England , a crit:

Thank you for a fantastic site. My great grandfather Gaetano Ciarella was born October 1879. His father was called Domenico. He went to Belfast Ireland and got married. 5 children later, Domenico, Filomena, Louisa, Bridget, Anne. He came to Liverpool 1917. And is buried here 1965. I wonder if anybody has a family connection to me. Peace and love from Liverpool England ✌🏼❤️🙏

Le 30/04/2018 12:21, mario, de messina, a crit:

chiesina san gennaro storia di san gennaro picinisco

Le 27/11/2017 16:29, iacobelli therese, de france, a crit:

mio zio capocci giovani,noto tenore figlio di emigrati italiani originari di picinisco e casaivieri(di capocci gereardo e anna boni;professore di canto al conservatorio di parigi, morto in francia a l eta di95 anni nel mese di giugno 2017.

Le 14/05/2016 14:44, Michelle wales, de Swansea, Wales, a crit:

my great grandfather Cosimo crolla emigrated from picinisco in the late 19th century. his siblings included antonio, angela andemidio. he married Francesca Mancini and i would like to find out more about her. I am staying in picinisco next week any suggestions on where to look? thank you/diolch/grazzi

Le 8/11/2014 22:36, Steve Crolla, de Great Britain/Manchester, a crit:

How many families in Picinisco have the family name of Crolla? I have been told by a Priest that the families who started their British life first established themselves in 'Little Italy' in Ancoats, Manchester. There are no details held by any of my relatives as to where the familiy name actually came from other than Italy. Although I am British,(made up from English, Scotish and Irish ancestry)my name isn't and I am interested/curios to know more. Any advice will be gratefully recieved. Thank you in advance for your help. Quante famiglie di Picinisco il nome della famiglia crolla? MI stato detto da un sacerdote che le famiglie che hanno iniziato la loro vita britannica ha istituito per la prima volta in "Little Italy" in Ancoats, Manchester. Non vi sono dettagli tenuto da qualsiasi dei miei parenti, dove la famiglia nome proviene effettivamente da diversi dall'Italia. Anche se io sono Inglese, (costituito dall'inglese, scozzese e irlandese ascendenza)il mio nome non e mi interessa/curiosit di saperne di pi. La consulenza sar ricevuto con gratitudine. Grazie in anticipo per il vostro aiuto.

Le 23/08/2013 8:31, Paul Venema, de veemann99@gmail.com, a crit:

I am trying to find out how four Marcantonio Anna Rosa [mother] Giovanni Pietro[sons] and Maria Grazia [daughter ] left Picinisco about 1870-1900 for Ireland.. I have picked up their trail in Ireland [Belfast] about 1895 but like to find out how they got to Ireland..

Le 7/07/2013 20:24, bruno, de essex, a crit:

quanto e' bello a vedere e rivedere il passato con queste belle foto. Mi piacerebbe molto vedere se qualch'uno ha foto di matimonio alla chiesa di San Gennaro. dal 1955 a 1962..Io ero uno dei chierichetti questo tempo . ero a tanti matrimony ,funzioni di chiesa ma non ho una foto con me .ci dovrebbe essere dalla rocca. faccenda .liscia.chiuselle.casale.sanGennaro......Saluti

Le 5/07/2013 23:34, michelle jaconelli a crit:

is there any thing you would like to know about the house

Le 5/07/2013 23:27, mario a crit:

the house in San Gennaro is NOT BOARDED UP

Le 4/06/2013 21:36, Dal Sasso Morgana, de svizzera, a crit:

Picinisco, la mia terra , il mio sangue, quanto ne sono fiera <3. sempre nel cuore rimane .

Le 9/05/2013 12:49, Amelia a crit:

Hi My mum is Rosa Jaconelli and used to live in the boarded up house in San Gennaro.

Le 23/03/2013 15:20, jennifer, de surrey, a crit:

Can anyone please tell me where my Grandfather and his Ancestors lived in Picinisco their name is DeAntiquis, such a lovely website all thanks to Michael Vacca

Le 13/12/2012 1:22, Michelle Aiello, de Hexham England, a crit:

Is there information about the Jaconelli/Capaldi/Pacitti families who lived in San Gennaro who have a boarded-up house in the village.

Le 5/11/2012 17:25, Audrey Pyle, de Newcastle England, a crit:

Looking for information about Marcantonio family from Picinisco. Also Jaconelli, Crolla, Palladini,Valerntini, Riozzi and Lanni Thank you Audrey Pyle

Le 14/09/2012 4:30, martin Dagostino, de united kingdom, a crit:

This is such a beautiful place this is also where my ancestors came from many years ago , and they settled in Portsmouth England .

Le 15/08/2012 11:48, Fortuna , de bruxelles, a crit:

Un tout grand merci a Michel Vacca pour son aide et sa patience. Laurent et Olivia

Le 5/07/2012 22:57, Rea Francis, de Brussels Belgium, a crit:

To: Manuel Perella, de U.S.A. Cuyahoga Falls ohio. Your grandfather Guseppi and his brothers,Domenico,Antonio and Fortunato are my grandmother brothers.Please contact me. Francis

Le 5/06/2012 3:03, Ulceltect a crit:

Merci pour cette information interessante

Le 25/03/2012 14:49, Michel , de Picinisco, a crit:

Di ci che la festa della fisarmonica parla? Cosa video?

Le 20/02/2012 15:16, marcantonio, de italia, a crit:

per piacere vorrei sapere la foto della festa della fisarmonica ,chi sono quelle quattro persone alla fine del video a sinistra .vorrei sapere se uno di quelli mio papa vi suplico grazie mille se qualcuno mi rispondera

Le 11/12/2011 19:30, VICTORY (famille de ANTIQUIS & TEMPESTA), de FRANCE, a crit:

Un grand merci Michel VACCA qui nous a renseigns trs utilement sur notre arbre gnalogique. Avec son aide nous avons pu remonter jusqu'au XIVme sicle. Bravo.... Many thanks to Michel VACCA who helped us until the XIVth century about our tree. Congratulations.

Le 20/09/2011 22:13, DIGIACOMO GIOVANNI, de Karlsbad, GERMANY, a crit:


Le 19/03/2011 0:38, Manuel Perella, de U.S.A. Cuyahoga Falls ohio, a crit:

Hello. I have been tracing my family tree for the last ten years. My grandfather Guseppi and his brothes,Domenico,Antonio and Fortunato went to Manchester England and then immagarted to New york then to pittsburgh where they started an ice cone factory. Fortunato married teresa crolla and gusippe married annin Pontillo.If there are any relatives that are aware of these people please contact me.Did I mention the brothers were from Picinisco M.J. Perella

Le 7/07/2010 20:26, capocci, de vitry sur seine france, a crit:

Quel bonheur de voir ces photos. mes parents sont actuellement en italie pour les vacances, la Liscia.. et bientot c'est moi qu'y vais, quel bonheur !!!

Le 25/04/2010 15:01, bruno jaconelli, de england essex, a crit:

C'e' qualcuno che e' andato alla scuola di san gennaro dal 1951 fino al 1960?

Le 11/03/2010 14:17, JACONELLI BRUNO, de ENGLAND, a crit:

wELL DONE FOR PUTTING SAN GENNARO ON THE SITE.I'm new at this and was very happy to sea the photos ,especialy the inside of the church.took me back when i was an alter boy. Iwas born in san gennaro and went to school there. Any bodyelse that went?I HAVE SOME PHOTOS .I NEED TO KNOW HOW AND IF I'M ALLOWED TO PUT THEM ON.

Le 27/07/2009 19:45, IACONELLI Anna, de FRANCE Aubergenville 78, a crit:

Trs beau site, je suis ne la Rocca en 1954 et j'ai pu voir la photo de la maison de mon pre IACONELLI Juiseppe Ma grand mre s'appelait Alessandra et avait 4 garons: mon pre, Antonio, Emilio et Pasqual.Ma mre CAPOCCI filomna habitait la Lischia lorsqu'ils se sont maris et j'ai vu galement sa petite maison de ville sur les photos, c'est gnial... Je suis arrive en France avec toute la famille l'age de 4ans. Bravo encore pour ces doux souvenirs

Le 1/04/2008 14:29, goomuloo a crit:

I'm Paul from Canada, a retired Author. I've only been at this about 4 months now, and I've hit the ground running. I'm only really getting around to visiting all the forums now. I still have a lot to learn but I'm getting there. All the best, Paul

Le 3/03/2008 20:29, vacca j-c, de belgique, a crit:

super chouette le site et super sympa notre rencontre autour de spcialits italiennes.A refaire avec mon pre Andr et son ami Fiocchi.A bientt.

Le 25/05/2007 9:38, volante evelyne, de France - Thiais, a crit:

Ce site est vraiment trs bien, mon mari est de Picinisco j'y vais en vacances tout les ans, c'est un petit village magnifique je prendrai plaisir en discuter avec vous.

Le 27/08/2006 13:12, BOVYN Gatien, de Belgique, a crit:

c'est bien vrai a!!!bien dit

Le 1/08/2006 18:07, BOVYN Daniel, de Belgique, a crit:

Waow, quel talent!

Le 10/04/2006 14:05, D'Ambrosio Philippe a crit:

En rponse a di marco pouse clment, je m'appelle Philippe D'Ambrosio, mon pre est n a Frankfurt en 1907 et je trouve qu'il y a des ressemblances avec votre message , il tait d'origine de Picinisco et j'espre moi aussi retrouver mes raines Merci a bientt

Le 10/02/2006 10:06, di marco epouse clement a crit:

mon grand pre a habit picinisco, il est n francfort en 1887 et est revenu ses racines. Ses parents sont pietro di marco et arcangle tobia je suis la recherche de leur dates de naissance et j'aimerai retracer le parcours de mon grand-pre qui avait de nombreux frres giovanni etc. tous musiciens, je sais qu'il y en a qui sont parti glascow un autre strasbourg. Si vous pouviez m'aider et me dire si mes arrires grand-parents taient originaires de votre village j'en serai trs heureuse.Je vous en remercie d'avance

Le 8/02/2006 2:44, Ben Lombardi a crit:

A very interesting site! Thanks. My paternal grandfather, Angelo, left Picinisco for Glasgow sometime before WW1. I have never seen pictures of the town I heard about since I was a boy. I will have to visit.

Le 23/11/2005 20:42, Capocci a crit:

Que de souvenirs pour moi qui ne suis pas aller l-bas l'anne derniere, mais si tout va bien j'irais en 2006, j'habite juste un petit village ct, mon pre est n Picinisco, et je suis fire de porter mon Nom CAPOCCI merci pour ce site

Le 11/10/2005 21:51, John (Arcari) Gerrard a crit:

Great Grandfather Antonio Arcari, Great Grandmother Antonia D'Ambrosio

Le 9/10/2005 11:47, patrick a crit:

salut tous(tes)!! Flicitation pour ce site!!

Albergo diffuso Sotto Le Stelle - Via Giustino Ferri 1/7 - 0340 PICINISCO (FR)
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